How to Get Out of a Sales Slump in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate agency the property market will change frequently during the year for all types of reasons including the economy, seasonal holidays, business sentiment, and changes in government.  For some agents this can create a commission slump or a drop in listings.  The only ways you can get through this with minimal discomfort…

8 Networking and Lead Generation Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents Today

Do you know an agent that is struggling with finding quality listings and growing commissions?  Perhaps even both of those things?  It’s an all too common problem. There are lots of agents with those issues in any market and it is simply because they have a very poor personal network.  They have failed to establish…

Commercial Agents – Solution Providers Win More Commercial Real Estate Listings

Have you ever asked yourself why top agents get more of the commercial real estate business?  In your property market you would know some agents that are significantly more successful at attracting the quality listings and converting the sales and the leases.  It is not so much the ‘agency’ that you should look at with…

Why You Need a Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist

Why You Need a Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist

In commercial real estate property management, using a checklist for the handover process will significantly benefit your job. When bringing a new property into your management portfolio, there are so many things to think about and control over a short period of time. That is where the checklist gives you a distinct advantage. The process…