Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – A Shortlist of Key Issues to Use with Clients in Listing

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – A Shortlist of Key Issues to Use with Clients in Listing

When pitching for the listing of an office vacancy with a Landlord, it pays to have a really good idea of exactly how you will approach the property and set about finding a tenant.  To do that well, you should have a predetermined focus on a few key issues or a shortlist of requirements.  Create…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – It Pays Dividends When You Know the Right People

If you are going to get any traction as a commercial real estate agent or broker, you are going to need to know the right property people in your local area in a consistent and ongoing way.  Your database can help with this, and its growth will be critical to attracting listings and converting commissions. …

Rent Collection Systems for Commercial and Retail Property Managers

Rent Collection Systems for Commercial and Retail Property Managers

If you manage or lease a retail shopping centre you will know all about the pressures and problems that come with rent collection from tenants and with leases.  Given the fluctuations in retail sales and customer interest throughout the year, some of your tenants can be ‘financially pressured’ from time to time.  It’s a common…