Fully Automating Your Client Services in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

As a commercial real estate leasing specialist you can bring some high quality services to your clients.  Those services could be likened to a ‘toolbox’ approach, where you are providing a comprehensive set of leasing solutions and information relative to your local property market.  The landlords and owners of high quality buildings deserve and expect…

Formula for Leasing an Intelligent Building Today

Many modern properties today under property management control are what we call ‘intelligent buildings’.  The inference is that they have a degree of ‘intelligent function’ that is automated by a Building Automation System (BAS). You will see this level of building function and control in both office and retail buildings.   Certainly those buildings with multiple…

Control Your Outgoings Costs in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

The outgoings paid for a property that is under lease or property management control will have real impact on tenant enquiry and leasing viability.  In simple terms the outgoings for a property should be carefully managed to control property performance. Here are some things that happen when the outgoings costs escalate in a property: The…

Leasing Market Briefings for Landlords Create Better Lease Outcomes

In commercial real estate brokerage today, it pays for you to keep your landlords up to date when it comes to market trends and tenant enquiry. The levels of market rental and vacancy trends will change throughout the year. Market awareness helps landlords make better leasing decisions. It will also help you convert more lease…

Lease Strategies for Working With Investment Clients in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate agency you will have investment clients that are purchasing and leasing properties for various reasons.  When they approach you as the agent to find a tenant, there are some issues to consider and balance as part of that process. The basic rule to consider is that a tenant should be chosen…

Target Marketing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

Target Marketing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

In commercial real estate agency, the properties that you convert to exclusive listings should be directly marketed to a target audience within the business community and or property investors.  The exclusive listing process is far more successful in this way, when it comes to achieving a successful sale or a lease for our clients. When…