Simple Techniques to Lease More Commercial and Retail Properties this Year

The leasing of commercial and retail properties can be boosted significantly by following some simple rules.  The property market will always have properties to lease; it is simply a matter of matching tenants to properties.  There are some effective strategies to do that. So let’s look at defining the leasing status of the property market…

Commercial Property Agents – Checklists for Office Property Inspections

Commercial Property Agents – Checklists for Office Property Inspections

When it comes to selling or leasing a commercial property today, the improvements in that property will have a major impact on both buyer and tenant interest.  A modern building that is well maintained will therefore have advantages over older buildings when it comes to attracting interest from prospects.  I have put together a list…

Lease Negotiation Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

Lease Negotiation Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

When you negotiate a commercial or retail lease, it is not just a matter of getting the tenant to agree to some form of lease deal and then putting a lease ‘heads of agreement’ together.  We, as agents, can provide a lot of value to the client by helping them through strategies and decisions relating…