The 6 Things to Know About Landlord Contact and Opportunity in Commercial Real Estate

The 6 Things to Know About Landlord Contact and Opportunity in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate brokerage, the landlords in any town or city are welcoming of ongoing contact with brokers and agents.  The fact of the matter is that those landlords need help with rentals, leasing, tenant mix, and lease negotiations.  That is an opportunity in waiting for the astute leasing agents. (NB – you can…

Leasing Market Briefings for Landlords Create Better Lease Outcomes

In commercial real estate brokerage today, it pays for you to keep your landlords up to date when it comes to market trends and tenant enquiry. The levels of market rental and vacancy trends will change throughout the year. Market awareness helps landlords make better leasing decisions. It will also help you convert more lease…

Key Facts for Commercial Property Leasing Experts

Key Facts for Commercial Property Leasing Experts

The leasing of commercial and retail property is a job for experts.  If you are making the most of your leasing opportunities in your local property market as a real estate agent, listings and commissions should be easy to attract.  That being said you do need tenants and landlords to work with.  Contacts are everything…