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Attracting New Clients in Brokerage – Chart

Commercial real estate brokerage has a few good ways to attract new clients. In this chart, we have given you ten of the best that we know and well are proven.

Set your client contact matrix around strategies like these. Build your planned approach based on your precincts, property types, and preferred clients.

  • Think ‘local’ because most of your enquiries will be from and into the local area.
  • Connect with all the ‘players of the property market’ continuously. They all have pressures and priorities, so get to know them client-by-client.
  • Watch the trends with enquiries and time on the market. There will be some indicators within those things that you can use to your advantage.
brokerage client contact chart
Special brokerage chart for client and customer contact planning.

Chart Download is here

So, this chart will help you connect with real estate people locally who could be your clients in the future. Your system of contact can be worked with with these ideas at the centre of everything.

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