Best Quality Property Photographs Give Marketing Advantages
When it comes to selling or leasing any office, industrial, or retail property you will find that professionally taken property photographs will help you greatly. Those photographs can be used comprehensively across the Internet, in brochures, and in most marketing activities.
If you want to improve your chances of selling or leasing any property in today’s market, ensure that you have the correct photographs to assist the marketing process.
It directly follows that the cost of this should be borne by the client owning the property. The photographic package should be part of vendor paid advertising marketing funds.
When you visit the industry portals and look at other properties that are listed currently for sale or for lease, you will see a major difference between those properties that are professionally prepared photographically, and those that are not. That presentational marketing difference then has a direct impact on levels of inbound enquiry.
Here are some tips to help you with photographic standards and strategies in property marketing:
- Depending on the property type and size, there will be different angles and approaches to any photograph to be taken. Think of the differences between aerial photography, an elevated camera at the front of the property, internal and external photographs, and images that are taken at different times of the day. Any quality property should have a selection of images taken using each approach.
- As a general rule, the photograph of the frontage of the property should be undertaken early or late in the day. You will then get the advantages of direct sunlight on the front of the building. You will also minimise the impact of any shade that could occur from building structures.
- Most properties will have strengths and weaknesses to address when it comes to a photographic image. In any busy property it may pay for the image to be taken on the weekend when cars and other obstacles are away from the building frontage or facade.
- Use a digital camera with ‘through the lens’ focusing. In that way you can ensure that you are filling the photographic frame with the correct image of the property. You can see what angles are best and the image quality you’re getting.
- ‘Depth of field’ is something that can be used and achieved with a high quality digital camera. Depth of field allows you to focus on a subject whilst lessening the focus on other items in front of and behind the subject image. Professional photographers use depth of field to focus on the building itself as a key element of the final image. This then enhances the marketing impact that you are trying to achieve.
- With some larger buildings, perspective will be required to give the photographs some scale. On that basis you may need some point of reference in the frontage of the property to help the scale perspective. People and motor vehicles are suitable standards to help with that problem.
- Photographs taken at an angle will always be more interesting than those that are taken square on. Look at the best image alternatives given the angles you can achieve from different sides of the property.
- Internal and external images are always of advantage when it comes to enhancing the photographic portfolio. Taking the photographs with lights on in and around the premises will give greater colour to the finished result.
In addition to all of the above strategies, you can introduce video as part of the marketing process. Some properties lend themselves successfully to the video approach in addition to still photography.
So the message here is quite clear. Strengthen your marketing activity with any commercial investment property through the selection and use of quality digital photographs taken by a professional photographer.