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Commercial Property Analysis and Marketing to Win More Listings Today

When looking at a commercial property for the first time, it is best to have some form of property analysis report or checklist that can help you cover the required issues relative to the property type and location.

When you analyse all the local property information correctly and consistently, it gives you confidence when it comes to the listing pitch and presentation with the client.  The client wants specific information, and from that, then needs to know that you have completely reviewed the property and the opportunities that the property presents in the market today. You know the market better than they do, and you must get the message across.

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Real estate Change Happens – Use it

Today, the industry is experiencing significant change, and the trends can be more difficult to predict or plan for. As agents, we can always understand the market better than the client, and that is where we should focus our attention.

Most clients in your local area need the assistance of a high-quality commercial real estate agent to help them with their property change, liquidation, or transition. We are the experts in change in the local area when it comes to property.

Leverage quality property presentations

people in business meeting

Every listing pitch or sales presentation with the client has to be of the highest quality and totally relevant to the subject property in every respect.  Many competing agents will be chasing the same listing with their own version of the marketing approach and the listing strategy.  For this very reason, you need to be at the ‘top of your game’ regarding local market information and the listing strategy.

comprehensive Listing presentation – 9 Tips

Your thoroughness in the property analysis process will give the client some significant comfort in considering you as the best agent to list the property.  Here are some more ideas to help you with your comprehensive property and marketing report.

1. Client requirements

Know what the client wants to achieve with property. That will be by time, price, and result. Good questions are the key to the process of getting to the client’s real motivation in real estate. When you know what the client wants to achieve, then restate it back to them in your words, to ensure full understanding.

2. definite facts

Describe the property and its improvements comprehensively.  That will include the age, history, improvements, services and amenities.  If any risks exist in the current local area, they will need to be factored into your recommendations and report.

3. enquiry scrutiny

Tell the client about the current levels of enquiry for that asset and property type. Referring to your database will help the client understand what is really going on in the market today.

business men negotiating at table

4. SWOT facts and resilience

You need to show the client that you understand the strengths and weaknesses that the property brings to the market today.  The strengths can be fed into your marketing strategies and recommendations.  They will also help you define the target market for the asset.  The weaknesses, on the other hand, will need to be addressed regarding property promotion.

5. situation and precinct

Detail the locational factors that apply to the property and include the details of competing properties that are available in the same location.  Check out all of the competing listings to understand their methods of real estate marketing and the reasons they may be still on the market today.  If any errors exist in those other listings, you do not need to repeat them when it comes to your client’s asset.

6. target market and financials

When considering a marketing strategy, price, or rental, the factors of income, expenditure, and property outgoings will impact the level of enquiry you will get.  Consider how these financial factors will be merged into your marketing efforts and what impact they may have.

7. Lease schedule and agenda

Review all the leases on the property to understand the differences between each lease and the impact that each lease has on the income stream for the asset.  In many respects, the lease profile and tenancy mix within an asset will have greater impact on the potential enquiry and price so ensure that it is accurate and ‘financially attractive’.  Do some comprehensive research on these factors before you make your final marketing recommendations to the client.

people walking in shopping mall

8. Occupancy concerns

Vacancies in a property will be of some concern to most prospective property buyers and will have an impact on the marketing programme.  Similarly, some leases or tenants will need to be addressed before the commencement of the promotion.  Provide the client with a leasing solution for any outstanding vacancies.

9. Tenant mix and Income streams

The tenancy mix should be reviewed for strengths and weaknesses.  Factors of vacancy may need to be resolved before the commencement of marketing.  Outstanding negotiation matters with current tenants may also need to be resolved before the commencement of promotion.

Your final real estate recommendations?

All of these factors lead to some solid recommendations of listing, marketing, inspecting, and negotiating.  Let the client see that you really do know how to address the challenges of the current economy and the challenges of the asset.

local area marketing booklet held by agent

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