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Commercial Real Estate Sales Agents – Getting the Client to Commit to Listing

In commercial real estate today, obtaining a commitment from the prospect or client to the next stage of the transaction is critical.  Every property transaction is a series of stages through which the client moves. 

Top agents move the client through each commitment stage.  Very soon, the entire sales or leasing transaction will have been successfully created and closed. 

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Client Contact Rules

Here are some rules to help you attract and gain the client’s listing commitment:

1: telling stories as part of listing

A series of relevant stories are available about the property type and the local area. Most clients will listen to stories and evidence of other properties and clients. The stories can comfort clients who are moving through difficult property transactions and pressures.

2: Keep everything simple and easy

Every stage of your presentation or pitch should be simplified so that the client can understand your recommendations and choices.

In many respects, it pays to give them two or three marketing choices and all of your other recommendations. The marketing process is a prime example; give them two or three marketing budgets and alternatives that they can choose from to reach their target audience.

3: Taking Small Steps forward

When the client has agreed to some strategy or decision relating to the property lease or sale, tell them the next stage you will be implementing for their property and get an agreement on the next meeting date.  They should know the next stage of the property transaction that you will be moving towards and how you will take them there.

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Have your client contact plan ready

4: a SWOT analysis always helps

In any difficult decision relating to property promotion and marketing, you can do a needs analysis that considers the particular property’s strengths and weaknesses. 

This process helps the client see that you have considered all the relevant facts that exist today and that you have relevant strategies to help the client move through any barriers or problems.  Be the property solution provider to remove the pain from the transaction. Make things easy for your clients.

5: Use Your Comparables and Market Evidence

Provide evidence from the local area that could be useful in establishing comparisons or in making decisions.  The history of sales, leases, prices, and rents over the last two years will always be useful when it comes to inspecting and negotiating. 

Every piece of comparable property information should be relevant to the property type and the location.  Use digital photographs as part of the explanation process.  A client will usually accept information that they can see rather than something they can read.  You can also use graphing processes to assist in illustrating a critical point.

    real estate team standing together
    Take a team approach to real estate

    Moving Clients Ahead

    Some clients find it difficult to move through key decisions and accept the facts of the local property market today because they are not close enough to it.

    The only way you can help them with this is to show the true evidence as it exists while establishing yourself as the agent of choice when it comes to skill and knowledge. Show them the ‘road ahead’ and give them recommendations and reasons to proceed. All your marketing systems have to be the best available to help the client through the property decision process.

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