Expert Advice on Your Commercial Real Estate Sales Pitch
In commercial real estate agency today any sales pitch and listing process has to be of high quality for the agent to have any reasonable chance of winning the listing. Far too many agents attract and obtain ‘open listings’ simply because they have no idea of how to convert high quality listings; they have no real point of difference for obtaining exclusive listings.
It is a fact that ordinary agents attract ordinary listings. The best properties go to the best agents most of the time. Quality properties deserve a top agent with a comprehensive promotional process. Your sales pitch has to match that focus. Stand out as the best agent for the job.
What makes a top agent stand out as relevant to a client? What makes the services of a top agent service so important to the clients that they serve? Here are observations to help.
A top agent has:
- Key ideas to reach a target audience or segment for selling or listing a property
- Comprehensive ways to directly market an exclusive listing personally to prospects that have already been qualified
- Dominant market share that builds the enquiries coming to an agency on a daily basis
- Signboard presence locally relevant to the property type
- A track record in the local area that proves agent success and specialisation relative to the property type
- A clear confidence that the marketing and promotional process will find the right people for the property
Taking all of these things in balance, the presentation that an agent makes to a client has to have all the factors of attraction. When this is done you can see agents convert more new business of a quality nature.
So here are some listing and presentation tips to help you with client and property conversions:
- Have a ‘listing packet’ ready to go for each property type that you focus on. Have a ‘listing packet’ for industrial, office, and retail property. Differentiate each packet for sales or leasing as the case may be. The same can be said for commercial or retail property management.
- All of your marketing material and examples should be specific to the local area and the types of property enquiry coming in today. In this way you are telling the client that their listing will be matched to the right buyers and tenants as the case may be. You are showing the client that you have those people on your books now and you will not be relying on advertising to find people to inspect the property.
- Carry with you some graphs of recent property sales, leasing, and enquiries. Graphs are very powerful tools that attract client attention.
- When putting a recommendation to the client about marketing and listing, give them some choices. That will then give them some flexibility to move on your agency appointment. If you do not give them some choices, the only choice the client will have is in their pick of agent. In that case you lose control of your presentation.
The listing presentation process is a whole lot easier when you are focused on the client; show them how you can resolve their property pain or issue. Be very clear on how your choices and recommendations are the very best for the client.