Setting More Appointments Demystified
New client contact is everything in our industry. As a broker or agent, you should focus on getting appointments each day as part of a ‘base brokerage strategy’. Those appointments will be with new and any existing people in your database that you would consider as your ‘clients of the future’.
It is a good business approach to adopt, especially if you are seeking more listings and better commissions. So how do you create plenty of appointments? There is a formula to the idea. You establish a systemized approach to connecting with people every day. You then also avoid ‘diversions’ for at least half of each working day. If you do this correctly and diligently, you will find that your real estate business gets busier; that is a good thing.
Caution! It is too easy to replace your prospecting time with other appointments of seemingly more importance; that is where most agents go wrong. Replacing prospecting time with other things doesn’t work.
Set Your Brokerage Contact Plan
Where do you start? There are plenty of people to talk to in your property market and your town or city. It’s a regular strategy that creates opportunity. Think about a list for starters:
- The property owners in a street or precinct
- Business owners that have sold, purchased, or leased property in the last 3 years
- Franchise groups active in your city
- Major brands and businesses locally
- Allied professionals that transact commercial and retail property
In giving you a list like this, it is important to understand that communication and connections with many people will require organization and good record-keeping. Make sure you have something you are using to help you with that.
Before going too much further, I will say that it is just so easy to get diverted into low-quality work and time-wasting processes and people in commercial real estate. Many local people will want some of your time in random ways, and the day will soon pass with little or no results.
Results only come from diligent daily processes; that is a ‘personal key’ to success in brokerage. It is a habit that takes real effort to implement in a personal business model. So, let’s look at the habit side of things for you as a broker or agent.

Work Habits Can Be a Problem
It is not easy creating a new habit or creating change. That ‘change requirement’ is the problem that many agents and brokers struggle with personally. Why is that? They have spent most of their business career doing things in a particular way; when they move into commercial and retail property, they see that things must now change.
It is so hard for most people to implement that change without reasonable effort and time extended over several weeks if not months. Do you think you have the personal commitment to make a ‘strategic change’ in your real estate business?
Change takes all the following:
- A defined target of outcomes
- A set of resources to use
- A core time of day to undertake the new habits
- A tracking process to use and monitor change
- A mindset to your activities
So, think about yourself as being a professional of the property industry; you are the person that has the knowledge and the skills to engage in property discussions across many situations of leasing, sales, property management, as well as the variations of property types. Your local property information and your database are valuable resources; a reasonable fee for service should be charged for any services rendered.
Service and Client Fees
Any client that asks you to ‘reduce’ your fee, should be rebutted and the request declined; clients like that, are not worth having. The rule is this; a client needs a top agent with developed skills. If that is you, then don’t accept a discounting request at any time.
Take on good listings with realistic clients on an exclusive basis. If your real estate skills and local area coverage are significantly strong, then that target should not be a problem.
When you adopt these ideas mentioned, then the whole concept of finding and creating new appointments gets easier as time passes. You simply get more professional and diligent in the process of connecting with new people. You are more desirable as an industry professional; clients need your services.

Getting Appointments Underway
Here is a ‘roadmap’ to making more appointments as a local broker or agent:
- Make connections regularly. Determine just who your clients should be, and then approach them. Set targets for connections and meetings for a week.
- Build your skills and knowledge with relevance to the location.
- Adopt a professional approach in all conversations and connections. As part of that, provide some local information.
- Conversations should be a big part of your business day. Reach out to new and existing people.
- Specialization into a zone or precinct, plus a property type, will help with most conversations, inspections, and negotiations.
- Use every good quality listing is a reason to talk to others in the zone.
- Use the telephone in making plenty of calls into your region. Spend about 2 or 3 hours a day making calls before you do anything else.
Follow these rules, and you will create many more meetings and appointments as a local broker or agent. From those connections, real estate business and opportunities will evolve.