Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – A Shortlist of Key Issues to Use with Clients in Listing

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – A Shortlist of Key Issues to Use with Clients in Listing

When pitching for the listing of an office vacancy with a Landlord, it pays to have a really good idea of exactly how you will approach the property and set about finding a tenant.  To do that well, you should have a predetermined focus on a few key issues or a shortlist of requirements.  Create…

Action Annual Market Rental Assessments in Commercial Property Management

Action Annual Market Rental Assessments in Commercial Property Management

When you manage a commercial or retail property it pays to regularly update your client with facts on property value and market rental.  You can do this annually or more frequently as the case may dictate. In busy locations likely that the frequency of market rental change, together with the supply and demand factors of…