real estate agents standing together

How to Cash In With Better Agent Market Share

In brokerage sales and leasing, it always pays to understand what is going in your location regarding brokerage opportunities.  In other words, you can and should choose your property market segments by type and location so that you are optimizing the future.  A random approach to that doesn’t work well. Put some system in your…

commercial real estate slides for marketing agents

How to Negotiate for Marketing Funds in Commercial Real Estate Sales and Leasing

So, if you want to be at the top of your sector as a quality agent with a large market share, the message is obvious. Every listing pitch and client presentation should contain a vendor-funded marketing strategy. Vendor Paid Campaign Funds Vendor paid marketing any property listing will help you get the message out into…

business people standing together

Methods for Being a Pro in Commercial Real Estate Marketing

Today we have many different marketing tools at our disposal. The traditional property promotional methods are still there with newspapers, flyers, and direct mail, but we now have a massive resource group of advertising tools to use online and through social media. Today in this podcast, I want to share some ideas about property marketing…

business people walking together

How to Create Niche Marketing in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

There are several lucrative real estate markets to consider in commercial real estate brokerage. Whether you work in sales or leasing, you can choose your niche property market and ‘dive deeply’ into it. Property and business owners will need your help. There is no point in being a ‘generic’ real estate agent.  The competition in…

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