city buildings on river - leasing strategies report

3 Facts to Improve Leasing Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

When you think about it, there are plenty of commercial property leasing opportunities in most towns and cities.  A leasing transaction can and usually will put you in front of business owners and landlords.  A single leasing transaction today can open up into many other things over time; it is just a matter of who…

Advanced Strategic Commercial Property Leasing Video – Extracts from Recent Hong Kong Workshop

Recently, I was in Hong Kong running a leasing workshop with major property owners, leasing agents, and property managers. The buildings we were discussing were large and of high value.  A leasing matrix was created from the program.  (NB – you can get more leasing tips in our commercial real estate ‘Snapshot’ program right here)…

business people meeting in office

Commercial Property Rental and Leasing Tips for Brokers and Agents

Commercial property rental requires a systematic approach to local real estate and businesses.  There are some essential tools and efficient methods to understand and use in this industry sector.  You can develop some of those tools specifically to tap into the right tenants and landlords in the property market or your locality. The real value…

10 Ways to Find Prospective Tenants for Your Commercial Property Investment

Tenants are the lifeblood of a commercial property.  When you make the right choices with placing a tenant, you are stabilizing the asset for the long term and boosting the investment potential from the property.  A good tenant can do many things for the investment over time. So the issue here is that you should…

office premises desks

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – How to Find More Tenants and Achieve Your Leasing Targets

If commercial real estate leasing is your business then you have chosen a very lucrative part of the property market in which to specialise.  In saying that, the best leasing activities and quality commission opportunities are at the higher end of the property market; that being the ‘zone’ of good properties, larger leasing requirements, and…

real estate agents talking together outside property

The Best Things to Check First in Commercial Property Office Leasing

Today, tenants typically look for premises that they need for their business.  In some cases, those tenants do not understand the lease market rents and stock levels, and they ask to look at properties that they cannot afford. Have you come across that problem before?  It’s frustrating when you may spend too much time with…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – Tips for Locating New Tenants for Leasing Properties Faster

When you have a vacant building or a few vacant tenancies to lease in a large property, you should implement a specific plan of contact to find new tenants.  In logically working through a list of tenant strategies you can find the local businesses quite quickly to inspect and negotiate on the vacant space available….

Direct Marketing Systems You Must Use in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

A lot of agents and brokers start their career in commercial real estate leasing before moving to property sales and other project work.  The logic does work because it gives newer people to the industry a chance to build skill levels and local property knowledge. There are differences in commission between leasing and sales activity,…

industrial warehouse and car park

Aligning Lease Negotiations to the Commercial Property Market

When it comes to negotiating a lease on a commercial office property, make sure that all the factors of the lease negotiation are aligned with the intentions and requirements of the client.  The payment of your commission depends on the outcome of the lease transaction for your client.  Generally, you will be acting for the…

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