The Balance of Risk and Reward in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Brings Opportunity

There is plenty of risk in commercial real estate brokerage.  The same can be said for rewards for agents and brokers.  The rewards and particularly commissions only come after a degree of risk taking.  The trick is to take those risks in a controlled way so they do not impact growth of market share and…

Anticipate and Solve Problems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Negotiations This Way

Anticipate and Solve Problems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Negotiations This Way

There are many barriers and ‘fences to cross’ in commercial real estate brokerage.  That is certainly the case for brokers and agents when they work with challenging properties and some difficult clients.  Some sales and leasing opportunities are ‘buried’ in complexity requiring experience and creative effort to put the deal together.  That’s where property experience…