planning strategies for real estate agents

Proven List Building Strategies for Todays Agents

Your lists of clients and prospects in commercial real estate are the foundations of new business and new listings. In today’s podcast, John Highman shares the ways in which you can group your contacts, put some order in your telephone prospecting, and tabulate your call results. List Strategies that Work Arranging your lists of people…

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3 Things You Must Do in Establishing a Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Database

When you start your career in commercial real estate brokerage, you really do need plenty of contacts and people to talk to, so that you can get some listings and inspections underway.  Most agents and brokers at the very beginning lack that all important contact list to get things started; interestingly some never really get…

Growing Your Database Faster in Commercial Real Estate Agency

If you work as an agent or a broker in commercial real estate, you should well understand the importance of your database in building market share and a stable client base.  From your database just about all of your valuable leads and listings should evolve; it takes time but the process does work well. It…

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