Commercial Real Estate Brokers Finding Hot Buttons for Business Results

Commercial Real Estate Brokers Finding Hot Buttons for Business Results

In commercial real estate brokerage, take the time to understand what your ‘hot buttons’ may be when it comes to listing and commission conversion. You can then adjust your activities to improve results and key performance indicators accordingly. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, then take action with the right strengths as ‘hot buttons’. What is…

How Lucrative Careers are Available in Commercial Real Estate Brokeage

In commercial real estate brokerage today the opportunities are significant and real for those agents and brokers prepared to commit to the process of prospecting, marketing, negotiating, and professional skill development.  See the future for what it is in your local area, and understand the local property market for what it can provide to you…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – What are On Track Team Meetings and Why You Should Do Them

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – What are On Track Team Meetings and Why You Should Do Them

In commercial real estate brokerage, things change week to week and month to month.  There is a lot of knowledge to be gained by sharing information across the brokerage team about market trends and current business levels.  The best way to do that is by holding ‘on track’ team meetings weekly where ideas and issues…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Why You Should Set Hard Goals Rather than Convenient Ones

In commercial real estate brokerage it pays to set hard and challenging goals that you can strive towards over the weeks and months.  Don’t let complacency set into your real estate business.  Drive and action have to be the tools to use personally in building your real estate momentum.  You can achieve some good goals…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Focus on the Current Market for Real Opportunity

In commercial real estate brokerage the best way for agents to find new business is to focus in on the present market activity and to see what is happening within that ‘churn’.  In that way you can find the right opportunities, and you can work with the right people. Don’t wait for the people in…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Why You Should Invest Your Time with Accuracy and Precision

In commercial real estate brokerage your time is the most valuable resource that you have.  How you use your time will impact client connections and new business opportunities.  Unfortunately, it is far too easy to get diverted and distracted from the things that matter each day in commercial real estate brokerage. If you are struggling…

The 8 Core Principles to Work to in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate sales, there are factors of importance to work on if you want to grow your new business market share.  You should be working to a plan of action and new business focus.  That plan of action that you create will help you attract clients and convert the listing opportunities. It is…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Building market share in commercial real estate sales is not a ‘switch on’ and ‘switch off’ process for brokers and agents.  It is a gradual incremental process that takes time and effort as well as a good degree of personal focus. Show me an agent that is struggling in the market place, and usually I…