telephone headset placed on desk

How to Develop an Effective Real Estate Cold Calling Script and System

Cold calling can be intimidating, particularly in the competitive commercial real estate brokerage industry. However, learning this talent is critical for connecting with future clients and discovering fresh listings. It is one of the first things any agent should learn and refine over time. An effective cold-calling script builds confidence and prepares the groundwork for…

city buildings in sunrise

How to Handle Client Resistance and Push-back in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you will almost always get a degree of client resistance when it comes to closing on a typical transaction in sales or leasing.  Most clients need to think about the facts of the deal, and consider the impact of full offering or the transaction.  Align your thinking to the clients…

real estate team talking together in office foyer

Here is the Bottom Line and Resolution for a Listings Slump in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Everyone in commercial real estate brokerage will have a listings slump at some stage of their career.  There are reasons for that downturn; some of those reasons are controllable, whilst others not so.  Let’s look at some ways to resolve the ‘slump’ problem at an agent or broker level. So let’s look at the ‘why’ question…

real estate agents talking together outside property

How to Choose the Right Listing Source in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

There are many different listing sources that you can tap into and utilize as an agent in commercial real estate brokerage. Some sources of listings and new business are better than others. Importantly, you should choose the ones that work for you in an ongoing way to grow your market share.   When I say ‘listings’,…

How to Piggy Back Your Commercial Property Listings and Retain Control of the Enquiry

One well directed and structured commercial property promotion can lead to good inbound enquiry, and an ability for you to ‘cross over’ suitable enquiries into other listings and locations.  If the initial enquiry was not fully satisfied on the first listing be prepared to talk about your other listings and locations.  Keep the enquiry moving…

man and women in real estate meeting presentation

Commercial Real Estate Brokers Finding Hot Buttons for Business Results

In commercial real estate brokerage, take the time to understand what your ‘hot buttons’ may be when it comes to listing and commission conversion. You can then adjust your activities to improve results and key performance indicators accordingly. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, then take action with the right strengths as ‘hot buttons’. What is…

man considering property financing options

Broker Solutions for Commercial Real Estate Listing Overload

From time to time in commercial real estate brokerage you will get busy with listings.  The important thing here is that you are busy with the right property listings and not just a ‘jumble’ of ordinary and random open listings. When the property market is ‘firing’ you must have your listing stock; when the market…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Should You Bother Working Old and Expired Listings

Some commercial real estate listings come and go from the market without much by way of results.  All types of issues could be behind a property not selling or leasing.  Look for the reasons that could stifle future enquiry and momentum. Some of the common problems to watch for are: Poor marketing Over pricing Lack…

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