How to Build a Rent Roll Fast in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A rent roll in commercial real estate is a valuable part of the real estate brokerage business.  From the rent roll you can build market share, sales opportunities and leasing income.  The growth of the property management portfolio should be encouraged to occur as a priority in any real estate brokerage. Whilst it is easy…

Commercial Property Management – Working with Landlords the Right Way

In commercial property management it is common for some frustration or disagreements to develop between a property manager and a landlord.  Sometimes it is a short term issue driven from a particular property problem and driven from individual lease or tenant circumstances; however it is the longer term and larger property performance issues that are…

Watch for Critical Dates and Lease Issues in Commercial Real Estate

Watch for Critical Dates and Lease Issues in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial property management and leasing, the leases and the tenants in a property are critical to the income cash flow for the landlord.  You as the property manager must watch for the upcoming lease changes and renewals.  They are called ‘critical dates’ and they should be tracked and actioned early or on time in…

Why You Need a Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist

Why You Need a Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist

In commercial real estate property management, using a checklist for the handover process will significantly benefit your job. When bringing a new property into your management portfolio, there are so many things to think about and control over a short period of time. That is where the checklist gives you a distinct advantage. The process…

Landlord Reporting Tips in Commercial Property Management

The management of commercial and retail property today are complex issues. The profession requires diligent process and highly skilled people. As part of that, the chosen property manager should be reporting to their landlords in a regular and professional way. The size and the complexity of a property under management will dictate the diversity and…

Handover Points in Commercial Real Estate Property Management

When you work in commercial real estate property management or shopping centre management, you will know the importance of a good property handover from other clients or agents.  If you are on the receiving end of the handover you really must be careful and prepared for the event. The handover process is the only time…