buildings on river

The Easy to Assemble Sales Strategy in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Every commercial real estate sales agent or broker needs a sales strategy that helps them build their business. Is commercial property your career? Do you want more new business? Its time to think about things and get your plan established. Your position in the property market is critical to your attraction of listings and conversion of clients.  An analysis of your competition and your position locally as an agent is therefore valuable as the year progresses. 

Are you the local property specialist or just another agent? Know your position in the local area as an industry specialist; strive to win listings and improve that position as the year progresses.  Expect things to change, and work with the changes that you see in your listing territory.

free sales course
Free Sales Course in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage. Get it here….

What Do Property Clients Want?

Most clients will choose a property agent based on local knowledge and professional skills, market domination, and the potential to convert their property to a positive result.  How do your property presentations ‘rate’ on those issues?

Any listing presentation with a client should be focused mainly on those ‘results based’ issues, and then the opportunities that can exist in resolving the client’s real estate challenge. It is good to explain to a client how your ‘special processes’ mean something in their property challenge.

Match your marketing recommendations deeply to the client. In today’s podcast, you can learn how to do that and build your real estate system around you.

Tell the Local Stories

Tell locally based property related stories as part of your client meeting or connection.  Stories about the property market will help them engage with your ideas and recommendations.  Professional presence in the property market will help you connect with your clients comprehensively.

There are many ways you can improve your real estate business by going deeper with your client and their property situation. Are you ready for the ‘big real estate challenge’ in sales?

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