How Cloud Based Security Technology is Transforming Real Estate Management

How Cloud Based Security Technology is Transforming Real Estate Management

Since the pandemic, more and more businesses have adopted cloud-based technologies to support remote and hybrid working. But how is cloud-based technology evolving in the security sphere, and how is this changing real estate management? Keep reading as we discuss the top evolvements in cloud-based security technology and how this is transforming real estate management…

Top 2023 Cybersecurity Trends in Commercial Buildings

Top 2023 Cybersecurity Trends in Commercial Buildings

Underestimating cyber threats can be very risky for owners and managers of commercial buildings. As the use of smart technologies increases, so do the opportunities for cyber criminals who can take advantage of this shift toward digitalization to target data, money, and operations. Without effective countermeasures, it becomes easy for these ill-intentioned individuals and groups…

Best Technology for Realtors in Commercial and Retail Property

Best Technology for Realtors in Commercial and Retail Property

In commercial real estate brokerage, we have an array of communication tools and technologies that are just begging to be used.  Those tools and systems can save you time and effort, whilst greatly improving your client interactions; that then means the potential of growing your real estate business.  The trick here is to understand just…

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