How to Take Control of Your Commercial Property Management Career and Future

How to Take Control of Your Commercial Property Management Career and Future

Commercial and retail property management are special parts of the property investment industry. They require special approach and therefore the right people with the knowledge and commitment to produce good results across the property types and the locations.   Rarely will you find a sales experienced person taking up a role in commercial or retail…

Strategies that Work in Commercial Property Management

In commercial real estate brokerage today, the property management process can be very lucrative in more ways than one.  New fees and sustained client relationships come from professional property management services. That being said, it is not a service to be provided by the inexperienced or average agent without them having a good awareness of…


5 Ways to Make a Real Difference in Commercial Property Management Today

It is important that you make a real difference in commercial or retail property management for your clients if you are seeking more new business and growth of professional services.  Many agents manage commercial and retail property very ‘generically’ and in doing so add very little value to the process. Whilst it is always good…

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