Commercial Real Estate Transactions – Ways of Resolving Difficulties in Negotiations

Commercial Real Estate Transactions – Ways of Resolving Difficulties in Negotiations

The longer that you work in commercial real estate brokerage, you will encounter a good variety of pressure and difficulty when it comes to listings, negotiations, transactions, and deal momentum.  A fact-finding process should apply to all client discussions, listings, negotiations, and transaction documentation. (NB – you can get plenty of negotiation tips in our…

How Common Failure Stories Can Give You Marketing Leverage

How Common Failure Stories Can Give You Marketing Leverage

In commercial real estate brokerage, a few ‘failure stories’ and ‘failure examples’ will give you some valuable leverage with clients and prospects.  In simple terms, they will start to listen to you. Look around your location and review all the listings that are out in the property market currently; many examples of property failure and…

Principles of Negotiation in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

Principles of Negotiation in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial real estate sales or leasing today, the issues of negotiation are many and varied and start when you are seeking an appointment with a property owner or prospect.  The negotiation process continues through many other stages of activity including the following: So, the commercial real estate agent today does need to be an…

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