The Real Advantages of Commercial Property Management to Brokerage

The Real Advantages of Commercial Property Management to Brokerage

When you offer a quality commercial, industrial or retail property management service to a client, the brokerage team gets the rub-off with other leasing and sales activity over time.    Your value to the brokerage as a specialist person providing an investment service is great. You not only provide a stable income stream of fees…

Secrets of the Best Property Management Teams in Commercial

Secrets of the Best Property Management Teams in Commercial

Most commercial real estate agencies and brokerages get plenty of new business over time from their commercial property management teams or divisions.   That is the way things can work positively in business sharing and client leads across the respective teams.  A successful property management team is, therefore, a valuable part of a growing commercial real…


Innovation Health Factors in Commercial Property Management

Creative control is an essential part of commercial and retail property management.  Basically, elements of innovation are part of that day to day property management process as you strive to attract and serve high level clients with your tenant and asset performance services. Think about what you are doing now with your clients and consider…

How to Build a Rent Roll Fast in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A rent roll in commercial real estate is a valuable part of the real estate brokerage business.  From the rent roll you can build market share, sales opportunities and leasing income.  The growth of the property management portfolio should be encouraged to occur as a priority in any real estate brokerage. Whilst it is easy…

Commercial Property Management Tips to Strengthen Your Agency

Commercial Property Management Tips to Strengthen Your Agency

In a commercial property market like ours today, property ownership and control become challenging. For this reason, your commercial and retail property managers become a key point of difference in your business.  With the right marketing effort, your property managers can be a business opportunity for you and the brokerage team overall. All too often…

Commercial Property Management Tips

Commercial Property Management Tips

In this property market where deals are sometimes harder to put together, the value of the commercial property manager is high in maintaining and directing a sound and good level of commercial property performance. Why does a property owner need a good property manager? A well-managed property will always attract better buyer interest at the…

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