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The Best Ways to Find Retail Tenants for Shopping Centers

The retail tenant prospecting process in commercial real estate brokerage is quite unique and special. The retail section of the property market requires understanding and dedicated focus if a reasonable income is to be extracted from sales and leasing activity. So let’s look at some ways to do that and how you can get involved…

Shopping Center Management – How to Map Permitted Uses for Better Sales and More Customers

In retail shopping centres you choose tenants based on business history and tenant types.  Essentially you are choosing the best tenants to optimise property income and occupancy.  If you have the right tenant mix then customers will keep coming back to the property over time. In retail that is what you want. Any high quality…

Shopping Center Managers – Ways to Boost Your Retail Trade with a Good Marketing Campaign

Every shopping centre today should have an effective and direct marketing strategy that is active and underway.  That marketing strategy should be monitored and tracked for effectiveness. In each period of 12 months a shopping centre should be promoted comprehensively and thoroughly throughout the targeted customer audience and the location.  Building the retail trade is…

Retail Shopping Center Managing Agents – How to Do a Trade Area Analysis

The trade area for a shopping center should be assessed regularly to see what factors of retail attraction are changing in the overall location.  That assessment should be part of the retail business plan for the property. Having worked with many shopping centers as part of improving property performance and tenant offerings, I have always…

Setting the Right Priorities in Retail Shopping Center Tenant Mix Planning

When you are involved in retail property leasing and management, the success of the retail tenant mix really depends on setting the right priorities in annual property planning.  Each year the tenant placement and leasing strategy for the asset should involve a few key decisions to match the investment targets of the landlord and the…

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