property management chart

Commercial Property Management Skills and Strategies

When you manage a high-quality property for a top client, there are some things to consider in how to provide ongoing service and control.  Ultimately you want to build a strong property performance for the client and the overall investment.  So, what is the plan? The strategic part of property management takes a priority in…

real estate team talking together in office foyer

Secrets of the Best Property Management Teams in Commercial

Most commercial real estate agencies and brokerages get plenty of new business over time from their commercial property management teams or divisions.   That is the way things can work positively in business sharing and client leads across the respective teams.  A successful property management team is, therefore, a valuable part of a growing commercial real…

retail shopping mall

The Performance Secrets of Commercial Property Management

In commercial property management, if the individual manager you employ is struggling in knowledge, performance, and or client service, you will soon have a portfolio problem of one type or another.  You can lose business and fees.  Usually the affected client will soon become unhappy, timeliness will be lacking, errors will be made, and eventually,…

shopping centre escalators

How to Develop Your Own Presentation Style in Commercial Property Management

In commercial property management, you should develop your professional presentation package to help you win new business with clients and prospect.  That package is to be relevant to your specialised services, and your capabilities.  It should be remembered that property management and the processes behind it are very different from that of sales and leasing;…

retail shopping mall and escalators

The Real Benefits of a Tenant Retention Plan in Commercial and Retail Property Management

A tenant retention program in commercial and retail property management is a valuable leasing and asset management service.  From such a program, you can drive more leasing fees, and keep a client relatively happy with their investment opportunities and property performance over time. The retention strategy ensures that all preferred tenants in occupancy are encouraged…

6 Fantastic Brokerage Benefits of Commercial Property Management

When you analyse commercial real estate brokerage as an industry, you will soon see the multi layered benefits in sales and leasing of a professionally skilled commercial and retail property management team. What is the focus here?  A well-serviced property management portfolio will be a stable source of brokerage clients, income, and property listings.  That…

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