business people meet and greet in building

The Secrets of Successful Effort in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

If you want to be ‘great’ in your commercial real estate brokerage career, then some real actions and strategies are required.  The effort is required consistently on certain activities to allow the right things to come together.  That effort must be honed to property results and findings with listings and commissions. The best results in…

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Four Things You Should Know About Your Action Plan in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, there are times of the year where the property market will seem slow, overloaded, competitive, or frustrating.  When that happens, get busier with your prospecting and start talking to more people.  Actions create confidence and clarity. Conversations will carry you through any property market downturn, change or frustration.  We discussed…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – The Importance of Taking Daily Action

In commercial real estate brokerage, the fast track to results in both client and listing activity is through taking daily action to a prospecting plan and a process of ongoing contact.   Daily action gets the results, or at the very least will allow you to see what is working and not working in business generation. …

real estate agent meeting clients in office

Top 7 Tips to Beat Your Competitors in Commercial Real Estate

The level of competition in commercial real estate brokerage is consistent and relentless. Plenty of other agents and brokers are looking to take your listing and your clients. Consistency is required to consolidate a client relationship and a new business opportunity. Get closer to your clients and establish trust over time. Put your clients at…

man standing ready

The Things I Have Learnt About Commercial Real Estate Investors

In commercial real estate brokerage, you can and should work with a good number of property investors in your local area, to help them with property pressures and changes.  Constant contact and local property awareness will help you find those opportunities. So what are the signs of pressure in commercial property?  Try some of these:…

real estate agents talking together outside property

Ways of Boosting a Passion for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A career in commercial real estate brokerage can be full of opportunity and rewards over time. That being said, it can also be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive. Over time, there are ‘two sides to the real estate coin’ regarding brokerage and agency activities. Is this an industry for you? I hope this is your industry,…

people drawing opportunity graphs

How to boost your sales results in commercial real estate brokerage

The commercial real estate sales opportunities are always available for the astute and active broker or agent to tap into. A strategic plan of approach, professional skills, and marketing activities will help any agent or broker get traction and improve results.  Sales and listing results all lead to commissions over time.  Strategy is important. So…

golden city buildings

First Steps for Your Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Business

In commercial property brokerage today, the activities of businesses locally will provide plenty of indicators that you can focus into and drive opportunity from. Watch the trends and the changes in the local business community for your town or city, and then specialize in particular precincts.   Understand your target clients   The landlords and…

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How to Avoid Unnecessary Meetings in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, each day many people will ask for a slice of your time for reasons that are important to them, but not necessarily beneficial to you. Before you agree to have a meeting or devote time to a person, a particular task, or a request from others, make sure that the…

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