Elevate Your Listing Game: Expert Strategies for Commercial Property Sales Presentations

Elevate Your Listing Game: Expert Strategies for Commercial Property Sales Presentations

Today’s audio podcast is about the property market and how you can adjust your listing pitch to be better than other agents in your location. Plenty is going on in real estate today. You can be part of that. In today’s competitive property market, mastering the art of sales and listing pitches is critical to…

Commercial Real Estate – Show and Tell Strategies for Better Listing Conversions

Commercial Real Estate – Show and Tell Strategies for Better Listing Conversions

All too often you see or hear a commercial property broker or an agent ‘talk’ about market conditions to a client as part of a listing pitch or presentation.  Whilst the logic seems sensible, a couple of other things should also be done to lift conversions.  Most particularly they are the provision of images and…

A High Quality Commercial Property Presentation is Easier Than You Think

A High Quality Commercial Property Presentation is Easier Than You Think

When you meet with a client or a prospect in commercial real estate brokerage, you are very likely to have only a short period of time where you can present your ideas and strategies about their property or property challenge.  N.B. – You can get our free online Brokerage eCourse here. Engaging the client in…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Engagement Tips for Property Presentations

Just about every commercial property presentation today is competitive by nature.  In only a short period of time we have to convert the client to our recommendations and ideas relating to their property.  Are you up to the challenge? Other agents will be connecting with the same client and putting their version of the best…

Commercial Property Agents – Things to Do Before the Listing Presentation

Commercial Property Agents – Things to Do Before the Listing Presentation

When you work as a commercial real estate agent, it is tempting to take ‘shortcuts’ when it comes to preparing for and attending a listing appointment; this is especially the case if you are being invited to list properties regularly and frequently.  The fact of the matter is that you should prepare well for each…

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