office desks and chairs

Landlord Reporting Tips in Commercial Property Leasing

The landlords who own investment property today are likely to face some challenges with vacant premises and tenant movements.  That is where the skills of a specialised leasing agent are so valuable. Every landlord you act for should be helped to understand the local property market and its challenges. The days of generic marketing of…

retail shopping mall

Commercial Leasing Agents – Talk Frankly with Your Landlord Clients

When it comes to leasing a commercial or retail property today, it pays to be frank and honest with the client about the market conditions and where their property sits currently. In most locations, there is an abundance of property for the tenants of today to choose from.  On that basis, every vacant tenancy should…

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Professional Commercial Real Estate Services – Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

Commercial real estate sales and leasing is a very competitive industry, and the large amounts of money both in commission and in property prices make some of the ‘players’ of the industry compete in ways that can seem ‘aggressive and pushy’.  In saying that, the professional approach always ‘wins’ over all other brokerage methods. The…

retail shopping mall and escalators

Principles of Negotiation in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial real estate sales or leasing today, the issues of negotiation are many and varied and start when you are seeking an appointment with a property owner or prospect.  The negotiation process continues through many other stages of activity including the following: So, the commercial real estate agent today does need to be an…

clothes on racks in retail shop

Commercial Property Agents – Systems to Lease Commercial Property Today Successfully

Vacant office space is common today as the property market adjusts to the different rental levels and incentives available for new tenancies. The supply and demand factors have some relevance at a local property level.  Tenants as businesses want quality properties to occupy.  Work those listings with complete coverage and connection. Today’s Leasing Market Many…

large retail shopping centre mall

Commercial Property Agents – Systems to Lease Commercial Property Today Successfully

Vacant office space is common today as the property market adjusts to the different rental levels of rental and incentives available for new tenants. The supply and demand factors have some relevance at a local property level.  Tenants as businesses want quality properties to occupy.  Work those listings with complete coverage and connection. Today’s Leasing…

vacant office with chairs and desks

Leasing Commercial Office Space – Tips for Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents

Every tenant is different in occupancy needs. The space that they inspect to potentially lease will be interpreted differently. You have to be a good communicator to get to the key issues that the tenant sees as important to them. What is important to them in the lease occupancy? Get to the answer to that premises question….

business meeting handshake

Commercial Property Agents – Tips for Lease Renegotiation Today

When it comes to renegotiating a commercial or retail lease, the general rule is to start the process as soon as possible, well within the time frame specified in the lease signing process and documentation.  Early negotiations allow for a productive tenant and landlord dialogue. Leasing and the Property Market Rental Typically the levels of…

real estate team meeting

Commercial Property Agents – Lease Handover Systems for Today

In commercial property, the handover of premises is a critical time to take note of important issues and matters requiring attention. These notes can later support the tenant or the landlord in any debate or dispute.  There is a handover process at the beginning and again at the end of the occupancy. In all respects, the…

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