Managing Shopping Centre Vacancies and Reducing Tenant Turnover
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Managing Shopping Centre Vacancies and Reducing Tenant Turnover

Leasing and managing a retail shopping centre of any size today is challenging. Experience says that vacancies will happen in all retail properties, and some tenants will be more successful than others in trading. Of course, the retail shopping environment is changing and will continue to do so, given the impact of online shopping. Some…

New Business Toolkit for Commercial Property Leasing

New Business Toolkit for Commercial Property Leasing

When you work as a commercial leasing specialist, you need a few tools and business processes to help you with tenant and landlord attraction, interaction, and conversion. You never really know when you will need to talk about leasing opportunities with either of those groups of people. Be prepared in every way possible for the…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing – 6 Ways for a Tenants Agent Focus

When you work for tenants in commercial real estate the listings and the opportunities work in reverse.  You are the agent looking for the space that your tenant client needs.  You act for the tenant and they pay your commission.  That’s a good thing, however it is a specialised service. The logic works well if…

The Ways to Improve Your Key Activities in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

There are many ways to improve personally in commercial real estate leasing.  The property market is always under factors of change and on that basis you as the leasing agent can change with it in ways to help you grow market share.  Track and measure the factors of change in your property market that are…

How to Qualify a Commercial Real Estate Tenant

How to Qualify a Commercial Real Estate Tenant

In commercial real estate agency you will soon see the opportunities that evolve with working with tenants and landlords.  Leases can bring you good commissions and later position you for a property sale or property management. Either way you can find that property leasing is a good way to open the door for more new…

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