brokerage prospecting model

How to Assemble a Prospecting Model in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Where is your new business coming from and how frequent is it? When you work as a broker or agent in commercial real estate brokerage, your prospecting activities for new business will be ‘foundational’ to the results that you achieve over time. Somewhere in your business day, and every day, a prospecting process needs to…

prospecting chart real estate

New Client Chart Template for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate sales and leasing, there are client categories that should be concentrated on. In most towns or cities there are some good people to connect with as prospects and future clients. This chart will help you understand the four segments of client activity and the matters to review in each case.

sales team meet and greet agents

How to Create Persuasive Communication in Real Estate Prospecting

The prospecting process is so important for commercial brokers and agents.  There are things to say and do as you build rapport with property prospects and clients.  If your real estate business is struggling, look at the new business contact processes that you are running with now, and be more relevant and persuasive. Of course, there…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – 5 Ways to Achieve Your Goals Faster

In commercial real estate brokerage, there are many directions and paths you can take as part of starting or building your career.  Importantly, you should choose a path that offers quantifiable opportunity with clients and listings. (NB – you can get plenty of free career tips in commercial real estate right here in Snapshot) Local…

Commercial Real Estate – The Key Components of a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

In commercial real estate brokerage, the direct mail marketing process is quite valuable as a part of local area coverage and new business generation. The well crafted and relevant letters that you regularly send to the people in your client and prospect list will help you improve your real estate profile and potentially your new…

real estate agents talking together outside property

Ways of Boosting a Passion for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A career in commercial real estate brokerage can be full of opportunity and rewards over time. That being said, it can also be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive. Over time, there are ‘two sides to the real estate coin’ regarding brokerage and agency activities. Is this an industry for you? I hope this is your industry,…

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