3 Things You Must Know About Success in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Many things are or can be part of a formula for success in commercial real estate, however, just a few of those things will be part of the ‘base plan’ or the foundation for getting results.  In fact, you cannot do without those basic activities if your career is to have any reasonable chance of…


The Advantages of Straight Commission in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage it is common for the top agents to be employed on straight commission; in that way they can be rewarded based on achievement and results in listings and commissions.  For new sales people to the industry that process of earnings can be really hard until such time as the market…

Top Sales Prospecting Methods in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The prospecting process in commercial real estate today is quite specific to both your market and your skills.  You should have a prospecting system to build your growth of market share around.  In that way you will create listing opportunity. So many agents and brokers struggle with the creation of new listings and market opportunities. …

man holding clock and watching time

Battle-tested Time Management Systems for Commercial Real Estate Agents

In commercial real estate agencies today, it is a fact that your time is the only resource that you can carefully manage and control as an agent. Everything else is more difficult. When you have controlled your time to a program and a process, you can get far better results with listings, clients, and commissions….

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