sales team standing together

Commercial Real Estate Marketing Strategies for Commercial Property Agents

As the business world and the economy changes, so will the timing of your sales campaigns and the type of marketing tools that you use in commercial real estate. Refine your marketing strategies to suit the changes in today’s real estate market. It is a fact today that electronic media is taking over as the primary…

retail shopping mall

Commercial Property Management Business Plan – Tips for Property Managers Today

Every commercial property should be managed and optimised to a plan. This is in fact, a business plan or version of it and it is to be prepared by property managers.  It should be prepared once a year and just before the commencement of the financial period to which the building performs.  It should be monitored…

vacant office with chairs and desks

Clear Cut Commercial Property Leasing Presentations

When inspecting the commercial property with a prospective tenant you will need to give the person concerned a package of information that outlines the property detail.  The contents and comprehensiveness of the presentation packet in leasing will assist you greatly in converting the deal to a successful lease. So let’s give some thought to the contents…

empty office space for lease

Commercial Tenant Advocacy Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents

When you work as an agent specialising in commercial real estate, you should always be on the lookout for opportunities to work with different client types and in a variety of property situations.  One of those can be from the leasing side of our industry. It is in undertaking tenant advocacy work for larger local…

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How to Start a Career in Commercial Real Estate Today

Today’s career choices in commercial real estate should centre on actions and results. It is no secret that the property market is challenging for many, but the results are still there for the agents and salespeople who can control themselves with the right focus and system. The People that Need Your Help Even in a…

city buildings at night

How to Manage a Commercial or Retail Property Today

So often we see landlords choose commercial or retail property managers to manage their property with little or no regard to the experience of the people doing the actual management work.  When property performance matters, so do the applied experiences of the property manager and their role in the real estate team. Invariably when you…

property management planning

Commercial Property Manager Skills for Todays Property Requirements

People that choose to become commercial property managers should respect the need for specialised knowledge and control in the job. There are plenty of commercial property management things to learn over time and with all property types. What are the things to think about here? It is a focused career of real estate opportunity and it…

property management planning

Commercial Property Managers – Maintenance Management Systems and Tips

When you manage a commercial property, have a formal process to maintaining and managing all physical aspects of the property. That will include issues associated with tenant occupancy, property function, and building performance.  On an annual basis, maintenance programs require a budget so that costs are controlled. The budget will be within acceptable limits for the…

property manager looking at plans

Commercial Property Management Tips

In this property market where deals are sometimes harder to put together, the value of the commercial property manager is high in maintaining and directing a sound and good level of commercial property performance. Why does a property owner need a good property manager? A well-managed property will always attract better buyer interest at the…

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