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Essential Questions to Help You Grow Your Real Estate Business Faster

Here are some essential questions to ask yourself in commercial real estate brokerage. These questions will help you understand how to attach to the right people and property listings in meaningful and relevant ways. The key questions that we show you in this video will help you identify how you can take your commercial real…

A Short List of Special Direct Questions to Use in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, the quality of your questions will help you get closer to the property requirements of the person and or prospect that you are talking to.  As you spend more time in the industry you will and can create a list of great questions to use in supporting any property inquiry…

All Important Questions to Ask Commercial Property Investors

When you work with commercial property investors as clients you can generate lots of repeat business for your brokerage across sales, leasing, and property management.  In doing so, those clients require plenty of specialised help; the more advanced the property or property type, the greater the pressure on levels of agent knowledge and supplied property…

real estate team meeting

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Brainstorm Quality Questions This Way

In commercial real estate agency there is no point in taking the ‘standard approach’ to a client or a property.  If you want to win a listing then many factors come into the communication and presentation process.  It helps if you brainstorm questions in advance that will lead you closer to completing and winning the…

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