How to Take Advantage of a Competitive Analysis in Real Estate

How to Take Advantage of a Competitive Analysis in Real Estate

In commercial real estate brokerage, today, the activities of your competitors are indicators that you cannot and should not ignore.  Through tracking those people and their activities you will see their weaknesses and their strengths; through those things you can shift your activities for better results.  Learn from the best and the worst of your…

How to Create a Dominant Market Share in Commercial Real Estate

How to Create a Dominant Market Share in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate today, there are many different markets to work with and property types to work on. Some of those segments will be better than others based on brokers and agents based on your location and the local economy. Choose the industry segments that can offer you as the broker or the agent…

7 Ways You Can Make Headway in a Competitive Commercial Real Estate Market

7 Ways You Can Make Headway in a Competitive Commercial Real Estate Market

Some cities and towns are very competitive from a commercial real estate perspective.  If you are to gain a reasonable level of market share as a broker or agent you will need a plan of action and a strategy of approach. As tough as things may seem, there will always be clients to serve and…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Building market share in commercial real estate sales is not a ‘switch on’ and ‘switch off’ process for brokers and agents.  It is a gradual incremental process that takes time and effort as well as a good degree of personal focus. Show me an agent that is struggling in the market place, and usually I…

Ideas for Shaping Your Destiny as a Commercial Real Estate Agent Today

Ideas for Shaping Your Destiny as a Commercial Real Estate Agent Today

In commercial real estate brokerage, the results that you achieve will be largely influenced by the personal processes and efforts you apply in your local property market. Some agents make the big mistake of focusing on too many issues at once and on that basis achieve only random results. If you want get anywhere with…

Be City Smart and Choose the Right Commercial Real Estate Brokerage to Work For

Be City Smart and Choose the Right Commercial Real Estate Brokerage to Work For

You can waste a lot of time when you mistakenly choose the wrong real estate brokerage to work for.  There are major differences between some brokerages in commercial real estate today.  In undertaking a bit of selective questioning and research at the very beginning of your career you can make the best choices when it…

Commercial Real Estate Broker – Compounding Your Marketing Processes is Essential to Success

Commercial Real Estate Broker – Compounding Your Marketing Processes is Essential to Success

If you want to lift your market share as a commercial real estate agent, compound your marketing efforts directly and effectively around exclusive listings and quality properties.  Then make it a target to improve the volume of vendor paid marketing funds that you are converting and placing each month into the media.  Exclusive listings and…

Commercial Real Estate Broker – Developing Market Reach

Commercial Real Estate Broker – Developing Market Reach

In commercial real estate brokerage, market reach is something that comes with specialisation of or within a property type. For example if you specialise in selling and leasing larger industrial warehouses, your reach and market penetration could be regional or national, depending on the size of warehouse that you work on. The bigger businesses shift…

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