Maximizing Your Reach: The Importance of Comprehensive Online Marketing with Commercial Real Estate Listings

Maximizing Your Reach: The Importance of Comprehensive Online Marketing with Commercial Real Estate Listings

Today’s Internet offers plenty of online promotional strategies and tools to ensure you comprehensively cover your target market with any commercial real estate listing. Consider the facts about every listing before you choose the marketing tools and channels that can work for you. The big focus in promoting any property should always be defining the…

Marketing Solutions That Bring in More Enquiry for Agents

Marketing Solutions That Bring in More Enquiry for Agents

Create more property inquiries and hence, more inspections. That is the message for all agents today. Do more with your marketing efforts and strategies. Are you looking to improve your real estate career as we move out of this slower property cycle and into a new cycle? There are numerous opportunities for agents who become…

Creative Marketing Strategies for Commercial Brokers

Creative Marketing Strategies for Commercial Brokers

When you have listed a commercial or retail property for sale, the real work starts.  The promotional campaign is the ‘make or break’ strategy to pull in the enquiry.  You are the person to build the promotional strategy and make it work. In talking about ‘promotions’ and ‘campaigns’, there is a significant difference between those…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Marketing Is Not Direct Selling and Heres Why

In commercial real estate brokerage, the marketing process is fundamental to brokerage and agent progress.  In saying that, it is not a direct selling process.  Marketing is more about positioning and awareness than it is about transacting.  When you really understand that you can get some traction in your property market. Successful Promotion Systems Let’s…

Important Ways to Refresh Your Listings in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate, your listings should be refreshed from a marketing perspective once every 14 days.  In that way you can potentially lift the enquiry rate and have a reasonable chance of more property inspections. So what is the problem here?  Most agents and brokers put a listing onto the market and just let…

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