Our Updated Listing System to Build Commercial Real Estate Business
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Our Updated Listing System to Build Commercial Real Estate Business

Top agents have listing systems to take their real estate business forward.  They avoid the industry’s ‘peaks and troughs’ by sticking to a daily plan of activity that they implement.  They do that activity regardless of what is going on elsewhere and in or across the local property economy.  Are you ready to remove the…

Why the Best Buildings are a Key Part of Your Commercial Real Estate Business

Why the Best Buildings are a Key Part of Your Commercial Real Estate Business

In commercial real estate brokerage, put some focus into choosing the better buildings and owners in the location to work on and for.  Selectivity in this way will help you get some traction in your real estate business.  (NB – Learn how to network and prospect in commercial real estate in our free ‘Snapshot’ course)…

Listing Presentation Secrets for Commercial Real Estate Agents

The listing presentation you make today for any high quality property should be meticulously planned for the best client interaction and understanding.  An average or ‘generic’ presentation has no great meaning to a client as they seek to solve a property problem.  They are looking for the best agent with the best ideas. Given that…


Get Leverage with Better Market Share and Listings in Commercial Real Estate

They say that listings are everything in commercial real estate brokerage and they would be right.  The fact of the matter is that listings let you attract enquiry and control the sales or leasing deal.  It is much harder when you work with buyers and tenants and you have no listings. When you start up…

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