man making cold calls

The Prospectors Playbook: Targeted Listing Prospecting

In commercial real estate brokerage today, as an agent, you can improve your prospecting results by approaching things with a targeted approach. In other words, calling specific types of people for reasons that you have identified includes certain property owners in particular precincts and with specific properties. When you put that ‘target’ focus into a…

city buildings on skyline

Key Questions for a Top Quality Prospecting Plan

In commercial real estate today, there are always plenty of things to do from a marketing perspective with clients, listings, and transactions. The question is always, ‘What is the most important thing to do first?’. Developing a plan at a personal level is so vital to brokerage progress and agent market share growth. So, habits…

business men shaking hands

A Typical and Effective Prospecting Plan for Commercial Agents

There are various ways to prospect for new business in commercial real estate today. In saying that, you only need a few strategies working at one time so you can improve and refine them over time. Simplified New Business Plan In this video today, we share the ideas behind an everyday prospecting model that you…

business woman talking on telephone

The Truth About Making Outbound Telephone Calls in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, the outbound calls that you make as an industry professional are valuable in so many ways. Firstly and most importantly of which will be your ability to generate new business meetings and or new connections with people.  Are you looking for more clients and potentially listings? Those outcalls can boost…

3 Effective Laws of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Prospecting

3 Effective Laws of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Prospecting

Every agent or broker working in commercial real estate should have a prospecting model that they activate every day.  There is really no other way to find new business in the industry than by getting a prospecting and marketing program underway.  Luck doesn’t work in commercial real estate brokerage.  When luck happens its a good…

Your Custom Designed Prospecting Plan in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Many times I am asked about ways of finding clients and listings.  Those commercial real estate agents that don’t do enough prospecting will always struggle with listings and commissions and yet they look for answers in the wrong places.  The fact of the matter is that prospecting is quite easy as a personal system, but…

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