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Key Questions for a Top Quality Prospecting Plan

In commercial real estate today, there are always plenty of things to do from a marketing perspective with clients, listings, and transactions.

The question is always, ‘What is the most important thing to do first?’. Developing a plan at a personal level is so vital to brokerage progress and agent market share growth.

So, habits and consistency are critical components of brokerage growth. All agents should be busy each day talking to people if they are seeking to develop a good share of market activity.

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Looking Around You

Where are the transaction opportunities? Look around your property market. There are always plenty of people to talk to. Creating a laser-focused real estate prospecting plan is an excellent thing to work on as part of agent progress.

So, there is a question here for you. Does a prospecting plan like that take time, or is it something that you can create immediately?

man looking at marketing choices on wall

The procedure can be actioned immediately; however, the plan’s elements will change until you are comfortable with how things work. Work on your own activities and preferred contact processes. Start working on it now.

We are all different in how we like to work and how we want to engage with people. Notably, the plan should be yours and something you enjoy doing and improving on.

Think Personal Processes

Being busy is one thing; being productive is another. Only certain things matter in commercial real estate. What do you think are the most important things to concentrate on?

Prospecting will or should be at the top of your list, followed by listings, transaction negotiation, client contact, and direct marketing.

From all that activity, you can create plenty of future listing opportunities. Every step leads to the next step, so it becomes a progress plan of a sort.

business man and woman shaking hands

The most important task to focus on in your diary is talking to others and growing your contact list from that activity; you will find people and potential listings if you create some momentum daily with that. Conversations are the key.

What can you do with this idea to improve your real estate business? Look at your job or career as a project, and you are the project manager. Draft up a plan of prospecting that considers all the following.

  • How many new people can you talk to each day?
  • What client types should you focus on?
  • Where is your property market?
  • What property types do you focus on?
  • How will you connect with the people in your property market?
  • What marketing tools can you use in your daily contact strategies?
  • What are the habits of contact that you can and should implement?

These questions lead to a ‘laser focus’ at the agent level.

woman using computer screen

Starting Your Prospecting Plan

So, it is time to think about establishing your plan of action in brokerage to gain the market share you are looking for.

First, review all the questions mentioned in this article, and then formulate a simple business plan you can act upon. Simplicity is the key to progress in commercial real estate today.

Given that the property market changes throughout the year, review your plan and your progress every month so that you can undertake the necessary changes as market conditions are identified.

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