large retail shopping centre mall

The Importance of Lease Renewal Notifications: Preventing Vacancies

When owning, leasing, or managing a shopping centre, you want to reduce and remove the problem of vacancies. As leases end or pressures occur for some tenants, vacancies are a real problem that requires a strategic approach. It is, therefore, essential to have a lease renewal strategy and a tenant retention plan active. Do you…

retail shopping mall and escalators
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A Plan of Action for Finding Shopping Centre Tenants

Vacant shops can drag shopping center performance and retail sales down for shopping center managers and marketing managers. Strategies are needed to boost customer interest and repeat visits to the shopping center, and you can work with those factors. In the commercial real estate podcast today, we share ideas about finding tenants and placing them…

people walking in shopping mall
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The Satisfaction of Retail Shopping Centre Leasing Specialization

In retail property, some of the rents are large, and the leases are of high value.   On that basis, it is a good leasing segment to work in and with from a brokerage perspective.  You can be a specialist in retail property performance and growth or change. What can you do in the segment? There…

large retail shopping centre mall

How to Investigate Shopping Centers for Real Brokerage Opportunity

When you manage or lease a retail shopping centre you really do need to understand the prevailing market conditions, the property, and the level of competition around you.  That means a regular and full review of tenancy activity, shopping centre demand, and future retail projects.  Retail properties are impacted by some quite different key performance…

shopping mall escalators

Income and Revenue Improvement Strategies in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

When leasing a commercial property today, it is wise to consider the longer term impact of the rental structure and the lease cash flow.  The only time to optimize the return for the landlord will be through the negotiation of the lease. Top leasing executives are therefore experts in rental improvement and tenant mix strategy. …

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