mindmap for commercial real estate agents on computer screen with man viewing

Maximizing Potential: The Critical Role of Referrals in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate, it pays to concentrate your listing and client contact efforts in particular ways. Creating a referral business is a big part of that process. Here is a mindmap to help agents and brokers with that process today. There are several leads and chances to be identified in commercial real estate brokerage…

marketing charts on table being discussed

How to Create Compelling Investment Property Marketing Materials and Messages

There are many marketing channels to use in commercial real estate today. Whether you are selling or leasing commercial real estate, many media channels are available. The question is, what are the best promotional channels that will pull in the enquiry? The heart of your marketing strategy should be crafting a compelling message that captures…

person looking at computer screen

Comprehensive Inspection Checklist for Industrial Property Management: Details on Your First Visit

Conducting an initial inspection is an essential first step in managing industrial properties. This will establish the standard for all subsequent inspections. This all-inclusive checklist is designed to help commercial property managers complete first-time inspections, ensuring that any significant issues are thoroughly examined and recorded. Checklist Download here You can download the entire property management…

industrial property checklist on computer screen

The Essential Checklist for Screening Industrial Property Buyers

Industrial property is very active in most locations around the world at the moment. Supply chain and manufacturing pressures put industrial property at the top of the list for many investors today. This checklist will help qualify buyers more effectively. So, what do the buyers of an industrial property want and need? You want to…

large retail shopping centre mall

From Vacancy to Vibrancy: Revitalizing Shopping Centres Through Strategic Leasing

When you have a retail shopping centre to lease or manage, there are many tenant and leasing issues to investigate. Finding a tenant to fill a vacancy is not just a matter of placing any tenant that can pay the rent; it is finding the right tenant that matches the property, the customer base, and…

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Developing a Comprehensive Retail Tenant Checklist Protocol

When you manage or lease a commercial or retail property, it is wise and crucial to have a strategy for handling vacancies and tenant movement. Given the size of the tenancy mix and the property’s positioning, tenants will come and go. Having a tenant turnover checklist and protocol is a good idea and necessary for…

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Managing Shopping Centre Vacancies and Reducing Tenant Turnover

Leasing and managing a retail shopping centre of any size today is challenging. Experience says that vacancies will happen in all retail properties, and some tenants will be more successful than others in trading. Of course, the retail shopping environment is changing and will continue to do so, given the impact of online shopping. Some…

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How to Leverage Online Marketing Channels in Commercial Real Estate

Online website portals are not just a part of but a driving force in the commercial real estate market. They attract many enquiries from potential buyers or leasers, making their incorporation into property marketing campaigns necessary for agents and investors. This comprehensive integration carefully considers media choices, campaign strategies, advertising layout, and promotional messages. Understanding…

office space looking out of window

Unlocking the Potential: A Guide to Conducting Investment Property Tours

Every commercial, industrial, or retail investment property will have differences and enhancements worth describing and displaying during a property inspection. This suggests that every agent should carefully consider the strengths and weaknesses of each investment property before conducting an inspection tour with prospective buyers. Once you’ve identified a potential buyer for the property, it’s time…

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Revitalising Retail: Strategic Leasing for Shopping Centre Success

A retail shopping centre is a unique investment property type that demands respect and specialisation from a sales and leasing perspective. The key people involved in retail properties are centre managers, leasing managers, landlords, and investors. They should work together on a plan when focusing on a retail property and its future. To ensure its…

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