Turning Vacancies into Opportunities: Diversifying Income in Shopping Centres

Turning Vacancies into Opportunities: Diversifying Income in Shopping Centres

Vacancies in investment properties are part of the tenant management and leasing strategy. Property owners and managers should keep tenant turnover low and have a plan for leasing all vacancies whilst they underpin the income stream for stability and growth. So, it is time to explore alternative rental revenue streams and how you can improve…

Bridging the Gap: Conditioning Landlords to Real-Time Market Conditions in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

Bridging the Gap: Conditioning Landlords to Real-Time Market Conditions in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In the dynamic world of commercial, retail, and industrial property leasing, landlords and tenants constantly seek the best deal for their premises. The leasing agent plays a pivotal role in bringing these parties together. Conditioning the landlord, a term we use to align their expectations with the actual market conditions is a big part of…

Navigating Commercial Rent Assessments: A Guide for Real Estate Agents

Navigating Commercial Rent Assessments: A Guide for Real Estate Agents

When analysing a commercial or retail property for investment, rentals paid and received instantly come to mind as an essential factor to examine. There are many other critical things to explore, but the revenue stream tells the tale of the investment. Examine the property and comprehend its history and future. This will be the investment…

Developing a Comprehensive Retail Tenant Checklist Protocol
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Developing a Comprehensive Retail Tenant Checklist Protocol

When you manage or lease a commercial or retail property, it is wise and crucial to have a strategy for handling vacancies and tenant movement. Given the size of the tenancy mix and the property’s positioning, tenants will come and go. Having a tenant turnover checklist and protocol is a good idea and necessary for…

Revitalising Retail: Strategic Leasing for Shopping Centre Success
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Revitalising Retail: Strategic Leasing for Shopping Centre Success

A retail shopping centre is a unique investment property type that demands respect and specialisation from a sales and leasing perspective. The key people involved in retail properties are centre managers, leasing managers, landlords, and investors. They should work together on a plan when focusing on a retail property and its future. To ensure its…

Mastering Sales Victories: Elevating Agent Negotiation Skills and Direct Marketing Strategies – Part 2
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Mastering Sales Victories: Elevating Agent Negotiation Skills and Direct Marketing Strategies – Part 2

We hope you’re enjoying Part 2 of our three-part video series on how to succeed as a commercial real estate agent in today’s cutthroat market. Improving one’s negotiating abilities and implementing direct marketing tactics are two essential components of an effective agent’s success that we explore in this instalment. Gaining these skills is crucial for…

Adapting to Change: Modern Techniques for Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Deals

Adapting to Change: Modern Techniques for Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Deals

We, as agents, can always improve our negotiation skills for sales and leasing situations. The property market is always changing, and every listing will require special elements of negotiation. I am sure you can remember a challenging property listing or negotiation that was difficult to get to a result. What happens in the ‘real world’…

A Daily Playbook for Leasing Agent Success

A Daily Playbook for Leasing Agent Success

Commercial real estate leasing between landlords and renters provides a steady stream of fresh business prospects. Property availability and occupancy support the business community, which then helps us locate tenants, landlords, investors, clients and property owners. As a leasing agent, increase your transaction prospects by connecting with landlords and tenants frequently and continuously. Recognize that…

Blueprint Skills for Leasing Agents and Property Managers

Blueprint Skills for Leasing Agents and Property Managers

Who are the best people to create new levels of property performance for their clients? It is a simple answer. Property managers and leasing managers are the key people to boost property performance. Why is that? They can bring skills to the client’s property that improve income streams and prevent vacancies from occurring. Property and…

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