shopping mall main street

Trying Very Hard to Find Good Quality Retail Tenants

When you manage or rent out retail shopping centers, you will always need to find quality tenants to keep the property on track for making money and being a good investment.  Each year things change in retail properties, and some leases will be coming to an end or a few tenants may not suit the…

shopping mall escalators

Shopping Center Leasing – Turn a Lease Vacancy into an Opportunity

When you lose a tenant in an investment property it is an opportunity for change and not necessarily a negative factor.  Sure, the landlord loses some rent for a little while, but in that time you as the leasing agent can look at the bigger investment perspective and make some wise choices of finding a…

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Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agent – Checklist for Securing a Listing Appointment

Landlords in commercial real estate almost always need help leasing property. They don’t have the resources to attract tenants like a commercial property agent can. Therefore, landlords are a source of new business and commissions for any agent or broker. In saying all this, some landlords can be unrealistic in the leasing process; those landlords…

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How to be a High Profile Retail Leasing Specialist

The process of retail shop leasing is specialised for all sorts of reasons.  It is also a very unique and yet rewarding part of the property industry for agents to get involved.   If you want to start leasing shops, do that based on providing comprehensive retail property services, that is, across sales, leasing, and…

shopping mall escalators

Income and Revenue Improvement Strategies in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

When leasing a commercial property today, it is wise to consider the longer term impact of the rental structure and the lease cash flow.  The only time to optimize the return for the landlord will be through the negotiation of the lease. Top leasing executives are therefore experts in rental improvement and tenant mix strategy. …

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Accurate Tenant Mix Strategies in Shopping Centers

Retail leasing and particularly in shopping centers are specialised parts of our property industry. Those of us that know the processes would probably say that it is a most interesting part of the business.  I would agree. Some retail leasing specialists make very large brokerage commissions because they are focusing on some if not all…

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Getting Ahead in Tenant Advocacy Leasing Services

Some of us have worked in ‘tenant advocacy, particularly leasing.  It is the reverse of the normal client process, where you are potentially working for the tenant to find the right premises and location. It is a very lucrative part of the property leasing market if you work in a larger town or city.  You…

shopping mall escalators

Finding Quality Tenants for Retail Property Leasing

A shopping centre is a special place when it comes to tenant selection, leasing, and tenant placement.  The tenancy mix within a shopping centre has to be balanced with the right businesses and product or service offerings.  On that basis a retail leasing agent must have a good prospecting plan that taps into the right…

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Franchise Tenants are Leasing Opportunities for Brokers

Without a doubt, franchise tenants are a good opportunity for Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Agents from a leasing perspective.  That being said, the brokers and agents really do need to understand what those franchise tenants require within the premises and also the essential locational factors of the property. So here are some factors that…

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Strengthening the Tenancy Mix in a Retail Property

When it comes to how well a retail property does, the mix of tenants will have a big impact on income, customer visits, and tenant sales.  There is an established partnership between the landlord, the tenants, and the property manager when it comes to the success of a retail property or shopping centre. To strengthen…

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