real estate agents talking together outside property

Capture Customers the Right Way in Commercial Property

In commercial real estate brokerage, customers and clients are not always right when it comes to listing, pricing, selling, leasing, or property negotiation. They will fail to understand, appreciate, or accept factors relating to a transaction. The only way you can effectively work through that problem is from a base of third-party information and locally…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How Significant is Your Brokerage and Services

In commercial real estate brokerage it is essential that you understand why the client would use you and or your brokerage to resolve their property challenge.  There has to be an answer and that answer has to be client relevant and specific. There are far too many generic and ordinary agents out there.  The best…

business man smiling and laughing

Key Prospecting Segments in Expanding Your Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The property market in commercial real estate offers some real opportunity for agents and brokers in a number of business and property segments.  When you look through your local area and the greater region across your town or city you will find plenty of property types, investment groups, associations, and companies all potentially needing property…

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