Key Ideas for a High Quality Marketing Campaign in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate today you really do need to consider the best marketing alternatives for the listings that you promote.  There are (or should be) distinct differences when it comes to the methods of promoting and directly marketing exclusive listings vs. open listings. Exclusivity Matters All or most of your business efforts should be…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How to Replace Market Negativity with Productivity

In any given calendar year, the commercial property market will change in a number of ways.  Enquiry rates shift around, and local prices and rents fluctuate.  It is very easy for an ‘ordinary’ agent or broker to think that the property market is full of ‘negative’ indicators. The market facts The property market is not…

business people walking together

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How to Stand Out as a Top Agent in Brokerage

In today’s commercial real estate industry, every agent should strive to stand out in their market place as the dominant agent within a property type and location. That is why property specialisation is an important part of growing market share. It is difficult for any agent to achieve dominance across a number of different market…

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