An Effective Database is an Essential Tool in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage the database that you establish and maintain will be the backbone or the foundations for getting further results. Over time that database will be one of the most important business tools that you use on a daily basis. It is a personal process that cannot and should not be delegated…

Directly Capture Client Inquiry in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

One of the biggest problems facing commercial real estate brokers is in the capturing and handling inbound property inquiries successfully and on time.  The volume and the quality of inquiries coming to you will always help with growth of market share and commissions.  It takes quite a lot of marketing effort to build a quality…

Construct Your Database Deliberately and Directly for Better Results in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage the database that you create is a critical component of business activity.  Over time it will help you find the deals and the opportunities in sales and leasing activity. As a priority, every agent should focus on their database growth for approximately 2 or 3 hours per day; that is…

city buildings on book cover

Essential VIP Database Management in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, a part of your database should be dedicated to VIP customers or high-value prospects that you want to do business with into the future. In saying that, it is a matter of understanding what a VIP customer will be to you as a commercial real estate agent.   Determine who they…

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