lead generation.

A Handy Guide to Lead Generation in Commercial Real Estate

Leads in commercial real estate brokerage are really important for every agent or broker.  Look at your property market today and see if you have your fair share of property leads.  The competition will always be there chasing new business, so your lead conversions are really important.   Need help?  NB You can get our free…

city scene of buildings

How to Find a Wealth of Property Opportunity in Local Businesses

As you move through your career in commercial real estate brokerage, you will always find plenty of listing activity to tap into across and into the business community. Local businesses will be changing throughout the year with property expansion, contraction, and or relocation. You can be the person to help those businesses with their property…

The Secret to Building Your Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Business

An Agent new to the commercial real estate business once said to me, ‘How do I get more new real estate business?’  The answer for me was quite simple and that is ‘meet more people’.  Opportunity is always available for the Agent or Broker that digs for it. Someone once said that ‘You can’t sell…

female real estate agent on telephone

4 Prospecting Roadblocks in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage and How to Fix Them

When you work as a commercial real estate broker or agent you will come across plenty of ‘roadblocks’ in the prospecting and cold calling process.   That being said, those common issues are likely to hold back your personal performance both in commissions and listings. Here are the most common ‘roadblocks’ in prospecting: So how can…

city on river

Social Media and Prospecting Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

The commercial real estate brokerage industry has become socially aware.  The traditional ways of networking and contacting clients have changed and expanded.  We now have many client contact solutions to consider and use.  That can be a good and a bad thing depending on how you have your clients under control and documented for contact….

city buildings at sunrise

You Can Double Your Commercial Real Estate Sales by Better Prospecting

It is a fact that the quality of your prospecting in commercial real estate brokerage will radically impact your sales and commissions.  When a real estate agent or broker says to me that listing and sales are slow, I ask the question ‘How is your prospecting at the moment?’  That’s when I usually get a…

How to Appeal More to Prospects in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage the agent with the greatest appeal wins the quality listings most of the time.  It’s a simple equation that is hard for some agents to fathom; those that do become the top agents in the market. What makes an agent appealing?  Try some of these: Comprehensive market coverage to attract…

Top Sales Prospecting Methods in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The prospecting process in commercial real estate today is quite specific to both your market and your skills.  You should have a prospecting system to build your growth of market share around.  In that way you will create listing opportunity. So many agents and brokers struggle with the creation of new listings and market opportunities. …

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