Resolving Cold Call Reluctance in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate today, ‘call reluctance’ can be a big problem for you holding back your progress has an agent or broker.  To deal with that cold calling and telephone prospecting involves a disciplined and systemized approach. In the early stages of cold calling, you will always have some frustrations to deal with, some…

Making Progress in Cold Calling in Commercial Real Estate

Everyone knows what cold calling is and most will understand that the process is required in commercial real estate brokerage.  Getting to know lots of new people in the local property market can only be achieved through deliberate effort; the telephone helps with that. In many real estate brokerages, little training is given to salespeople…

Growing Your Database Faster in Commercial Real Estate Agency

If you work as an agent or a broker in commercial real estate, you should well understand the importance of your database in building market share and a stable client base.  From your database just about all of your valuable leads and listings should evolve; it takes time but the process does work well. It…

business man making telephone calls

Expert Formula for Better Cold Calling Results in Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate, the cold-calling process is crucial to winning business and a good share of clients in the local property market.  There is no better way to find listings.  That being said you still find lots of real estate agents avoiding the process at every opportunity.  That is simply due to a mixture…

Heavyweight Cold Calling Brings Prospecting Opportunity

In commercial real estate today you can get some heavyweight cold calling and prospecting opportunity from focusing on the quality properties in the market and the clients that require repeat business and service over time.  That being said, a degree of research is required to achieve a connection within that segment of the market. If…

Your Custom Designed Prospecting Plan in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Many times I am asked about ways of finding clients and listings.  Those commercial real estate agents that don’t do enough prospecting will always struggle with listings and commissions and yet they look for answers in the wrong places.  The fact of the matter is that prospecting is quite easy as a personal system, but…


You Can Double Your Commercial Real Estate Sales by Better Prospecting

It is a fact that the quality of your prospecting in commercial real estate brokerage will radically impact your sales and commissions.  When a real estate agent or broker says to me that listing and sales are slow, I ask the question ‘How is your prospecting at the moment?’  That’s when I usually get a…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Design Your Prospect Record System for Better Deals

In commercial real estate brokerage you must create a ‘prospect record system’.  In creating the system correctly you can easily track property needs and changes.  That will help you greatly with listings and deals over time. So what does a prospect record system look like?  To answer the question it is important to know who…

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