real estate team talking together in office foyer

Perfect Strategic Commercial Property Management Plan

The strategy for agents in commercial or retail property management is quite simple. In this market, it is about doing more for the client given the elements of the property and the prevailing market conditions. It is all about optimizing the performance of a property for the owner or client. When property managers forget about…

real estate team standing together

Winning Tactics for Keeping Score in Commercial and Retail Property Management

It should be said that commercial and retail property managers are very busy most of the time, so the indicators of success in managing a property or portfolio are special and unique to the job, thereby allowing for the existing pressures. There are always some difficulties here in trying to set any ‘scoring process’ for…

property management systems chart

Commercial Property Management Chart to Make Things Simple

The commercial property management process can be quite special, and certainly so when you are involved with a complex office building or retail shopping center.  I have given you a chart here to understand matters. There are many things to think about and cover over a working week and a monthly reporting period.  The clients…

Commercial Property Managers – Clear Solutions to Help Improve the Property Performance of Office Towers

Most commercial office towers today are quite complex when it comes to tenancy mix and property performance.  They require specific performance plans to be implemented across income, occupancy, expenditure, and maintenance.  That is where the commercial property manager can add considerable value and control to the overall property strategy and ongoing asset plan. The right…

The Best Tools of Control in Commercial Property Management

Commercial and Retail Property Management is a special part of the investment property industry.  All too often I see inexperienced people applied to the property management sector when they have little or no understanding of what they are doing.  That situation then typically leads to a property that is not performing well and a tenant…

The 6 Basic Principles of Commercial Property Management

The commercial property management process can be quite special in many different ways.  It takes time to learn the correct skills and gain the right levels of knowledge.  The work processes in property management are quite different than that of sales or leasing; a special person is required that brings a different skill mix to…

city buildings at night

How to Manage a Commercial or Retail Property Today

So often we see landlords choose commercial or retail property managers to manage their property with little or no regard to the experience of the people doing the actual management work.  When property performance matters, so do the applied experiences of the property manager and their role in the real estate team. Invariably when you…

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