7 Winning Habits of Top Commercial Real Estate Agents

7 Winning Habits of Top Commercial Real Estate Agents

Many things change in commercial real estate throughout the year.  Pressures and challenges evolve, and the property market will change between sales and leasing activity.  Somewhere in all that change, will be the brokerage opportunities that you require in commissions, clients, and listings. When you understand the change factors in your commercial property market, you…

How to Cultivate Your Market Share in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

How to Cultivate Your Market Share in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

If you want to win more business, listings, and clients in commercial real estate, then you should implement a ‘farming’ process where you can cultivate relationships with the right people and across the right property types.  Some of those relationships take months if not years to bring in the results, so establish the process of…

Effective Strategies to Win Commercial Real Estate Listings and New Business

Effective Strategies to Win Commercial Real Estate Listings and New Business

In the role of a commercial real estate agent, take the time to understand what is happening in your property market and where things may be headed from a supply and demand perspective.  Look to the future for leads and ideas when it comes to property sales, leasing, and property management. (NB – get our…

Blueprint for Creating More VIP Clients in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

If you choose your clients carefully in commercial real estate brokerage, there are usually multiple ways in which you can help them over time and that then leads to better commissions.  A good quality client can be a ‘client for life’ and a source of many levels of commissions and listings over a substantial period…

Three Ways to Find New Business and Leads in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Three Ways to Find New Business and Leads in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you will have a few things to track regarding property market trends and changes. Nothing really stands still in the industry.  Opportunities come and go as do the people within the local business and investment community.   The business is out there when you know what to look for and…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Avoid the Struggle of Building Market Share This Way

In commercial real estate brokerage, there are common reasons why some agents struggle to get market share.  That being said, there are always new clients to serve and properties to list.  Everything comes down to the focus and activities of the individual agent. When you know the ‘struggle factors’ you can adjust your new business…

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